Chökhor Düchen

ONLINE + ONSITE Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, 8002

Join us as we will accumulate skies of merits together by offering Praises to Buddha Shakyamuni by way of his 12 deeds, by practicing a meditation on Buddha Shakyamuni (with mantra recitation) and finally paying homage to the Three Jewels by reciting the Sutra Remembering the Three Jewels.

Chanting the Names of Noble Manjushri for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Swift Return

ONLINE + ONSITE Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, 8002

On April 13, 2023, our precious Teacher and Guru Lama Zopa Rinpoche, co-founder and spiritual director of the FPMT, showed the aspect of passing away. On this special merit-multiplying day, Chokor Duchen = insert event link, let’s join in a collective effort to accumulate extensive merits and thus create the causes for our precious teacher to return quickly among us and benefit us with his precious teachings.