Protection From Abuse


Creating an environment that is safe, respectful, and supportive is an important goal for Lhagsam and the entire FPMT organization.

What is the Lhagsam Protection from Abuse Policy?

Everyone associated with Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation has a right to be protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse. We are working together to prevent and minimize the risk of harm or abuse. If we have concerns that someone is at risk of being abused our first duty is to the individual concerned.

What is abuse?

Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or group of people. Abuse may be single or repeated episodes. It is not only harming somebody; it also includes neglect of their basic needs or failure to protect them from harm. Abuse can be physical, psychological, emotional, financial, sexual, discrimatory, institutional, misuse of spiritual authority or otherwise.

What to do if I feel abused or notice abuse at Lhagsam?

If you feel abused or you know someone who feels abused involving students, volunteers or teachers from Lhagsam, please contact us. We will take active steps to stop and prevent abuse. However, this also means we might have to breach confidentiality, when necessary. Sharing of information will only include those who need to know and the information necessary to ensure that the person is protected from harm and abuse and that proper processes are followed if they have been harmed.

You can contact the following designated protecting from abuse people via contact form:


Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation is committed to respecting the right to confidentiality of everyone at the center. However sometimes it is necessary to share information to ensure a person’s wellbeing. Such sharing will only include those who need to know and the information necessary to ensure that the person is protected from harm and abuse and that proper processes are followed if they have been harmed. If a decision has to be taken to break confidentiality, it will be done only after consultation with a Designated Protection Person and the Director. Any disclosure will be shared internally or with external agencies as required while respecting the person’s privacy as much as possible.

  • Lhagsam will inform the FPMT Inc. Center Services director and their local FPMT regional and/or national coordinator of any allegations of concerns regarding abuse about a board member, director, spiritual program coordinator, and resident teacher, and action taken.
  • Lhagsam will inform the FPMT Inc. Teacher Services director and their local FPMT regional and/or national coordinator of any allegations of concern regarding abuse about a registered or Tibetan teacher, and action taken.
  • Lhagsam will inform the FPMT International Mahayana Institute (IMI) director of any illegations of concerns regarding abuse about a monk or nun, and action taken.
    If there is possible criminal offence, the police will be informed.
  • If a child is at risk, the parent and/or Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutzbehörden (KESB) will be informed.

Do you want to read more? We are happy to send you the complete Lhagsam Protection from Abuse policy. Please write us at

Read more about Ethics and Protection from Abuse in the the FPMT Organization.

Affiliated with FPMT Inc.


Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation

Gablerstrasse 51
8002 Zurich



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