Donations can be made using one of the following methods:
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Lhagsam Zentrum für Tibetische Meditation
CH51 0900 0000 8985 8307 5
Account: 89-858307-5
Gablerstrasse 51
8002 Zürich
Please add a comment/purpose indicating your donation purpose
Lhagsam is a non-for-profit organization and we rely entirely on your support. By making a donation, you help us to run our study programs, Buddhist practices, meditation and yoga courses and retreats, which are dedicated to bring happiness to as many beings as possible. So eventually, with your generosity you are helping all sentient beings and collecting skies of merits. How wonderful, how amazing!
Being an association with an altruistic purpose, Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation was granted tax-exemption by the cantonal authority of Zurich. Donations to tax-exempt associations can be deducted from federal and state taxes in Switzerland.
For donations over CHF 200, the confirmations will be sent by email at the end of each calendar month. For other donations, confirmations will be sent in January of the following year. There are instances where we have trouble identifying the donor (especially TWINT, RaiseNow) or we lack contact details. If you didn’t get a confirmation but need one, please contact