

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are a non-for-profit organization and we rely entirely on your support to be able to continue delivering the most valuable study programs, practices and experience for you. Your contribution goes directly to financing the study materials, our venue, and event organization. Any leftover funds are used to grow our program and offering so that we can do even more for the community offering you even greater benefits. We thank all our members and benefactors from the bottoms of our hearts for your act of generosity! [subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”Donation”] Please support Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation by making a cash donation or offering your time to help us run the group. These are both great ways to accumulate good merit.  You can simply make a donation directly in person during your next visit to the Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Center, where we have an offering jar available.  Convenient online donation options, such as Paypal or bank wire transfers are below. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Lhagsam Zentrum für Tibetische Meditation PostFinance CH51 0900 0000 8985 8307 5 Luftstrasse 24 Wädenswil 8820