Shamatha Guided Meditation (Online)
Train your focus and concentration using the well-proven, ancient technique called Shamatha!
Train your focus and concentration using the well-proven, ancient technique called Shamatha!
Train your focus and concentration using the well-proven, ancient technique called Shamatha!
Train your focus and concentration using the well-proven, ancient technique called Shamatha!
Train your focus and concentration using the well-proven, ancient technique called Shamatha!
With Miffi Maxmillion. This course is aiming it as an entry level course for the committed beginner and the curious practitioner. WHEN: Saturdays in February and March 2022, 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm CETWHERE: OnlineLEVEL: Intermediate. Some basic understanding of Mahayana Buddhism is of benefit. Beginners are welcome as well! REGISTRATION: REGISTER HERE Dharma Toolkit is an interactive beginner series on everything you ever wanted to know about Tibetan Buddhist ritual but were afraid to ask! We may feel awkward or even slightly embarrassed performing rituals of a culture different than our own until we learn the meaning of those rituals and integrate them into our practice. With an understanding, Tibetan Buddhist ritual becomes a powerful connector to inner transformation and growth. A means to unify body, speech, and mind into a sum greater than its parts. The Dharma Toolkit series is a great introduction for beginners to combine Tibetan Buddhist philosophy with daily practice. As well as a refresher for returning students, to check they have all the ingredients necessary for a stable and flourishing Dharma practice. February 5 - Session 1: Why have an altar?Discover how to set up your own altar with the essential elements and how to customize it as a living practice, reflecting your own inner journey. February 12 - Session 2: Why and how to make offeringsMaking water bowl offerings is a simple yet profound practice that gentles the mind, and it is a unique way to practice generosity no matter your financial resources. February 19 - Session 3: What is a mandala?Mandalas are universal symbols of wholeness and transformation, found across cultures. In Buddhism this is also a way to break down our habitual ordinary (and often distorted) view of reality. February 26 - Session 4: How to make a mandala offeringExplore the...
Train your focus and concentration using the well-proven, ancient technique called Shamatha!
With Miffi Maxmillion. This course is aiming it as an entry level course for the committed beginner and the curious practitioner. WHEN: Saturdays in February and March 2022, 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm CETWHERE: OnlineLEVEL: Intermediate. Some basic understanding of Mahayana Buddhism is of benefit. Beginners are welcome as well! REGISTRATION: REGISTER HERE Dharma Toolkit is an interactive beginner series on everything you ever wanted to know about Tibetan Buddhist ritual but were afraid to ask! We may feel awkward or even slightly embarrassed performing rituals of a culture different than our own until we learn the meaning of those rituals and integrate them into our practice. With an understanding, Tibetan Buddhist ritual becomes a powerful connector to inner transformation and growth. A means to unify body, speech, and mind into a sum greater than its parts. The Dharma Toolkit series is a great introduction for beginners to combine Tibetan Buddhist philosophy with daily practice. As well as a refresher for returning students, to check they have all the ingredients necessary for a stable and flourishing Dharma practice. February 5 - Session 1: Why have an altar?Discover how to set up your own altar with the essential elements and how to customize it as a living practice, reflecting your own inner journey. February 12 - Session 2: Why and how to make offeringsMaking water bowl offerings is a simple yet profound practice that gentles the mind, and it is a unique way to practice generosity no matter your financial resources. February 19 - Session 3: What is a mandala?Mandalas are universal symbols of wholeness and transformation, found across cultures. In Buddhism this is also a way to break down our habitual ordinary (and often distorted) view of reality. February 26 - Session 4: How to make a mandala offeringExplore the...
Train your focus and concentration using the well-proven, ancient technique called Shamatha!