Tengyur Rinpoche: Compassionate Listening


Join us for an enlightening event on compassionate listening, a practice that involves listening with empathy and without judgment. This powerful technique is particularly helpful for those struggling with depression and anxiety. Tengyur Rinpoche will guide us through the principles of compassionate listening, along with Shantideva's Tonglen practices, which are regarded as the highest expressions of compassion in the Bodhisattva tradition.

Tengyur Rinpoche: Praise for Dependent Arising


Join us for a special teaching with His Eminence Tengyur Rinpoche on "Praise for Dependent Arising," a profound text composed by the 13th-century scholar Lama Tsongkhapa and translated by Thubten Jinpa. This event will offer a deep dive into the wisdom of interdependence, exploring how all phenomena arise in dependence on causes and conditions. Guided by Rinpoche’s insights, participants will gain a deeper understanding of this foundational Buddhist concept and its relevance to our everyday lives.

An Introduction to Buddhism in Three Parts, Part I: The Four Noble Truths

Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, Switzerland

The Four Noble Truths are the very first teaching that Lord Buddha Shakyamuni gave after reaching Enlightenment 2’500 years ago. The are the very foundation of Buddhism and are widely taught in all Buddhist traditions and lineages worldwide.
In this session, we will go through the Four Noble Truths and also take a look at frequent misunderstandings that we may have about them and that prevent us from fully reaping their benefits.

Jan Willis – Prajnaparamita; The Literature and the Goddess

ONLINE + ONSITE Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, 8002, Switzerland

Join us for an enlightening evening with Professor Jan Willis, a distinguished Buddhist scholar, teacher, and practitioner, as she guides us through an exclusive talk on the Prajnaparamita sutras.

Jan Willis: Shantideva – The Way of The Bodhisattva

ONLINE + ONSITE Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, 8002, Switzerland

Join us for a thoughtful weekend with Professor Willis as she delves into Shantideva’s “The Way of the Bodhisattva.” This event welcomes everyone, whether you attend in person at Gablerstrasse or join us on Zoom. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of Buddhist philosophy with one of the most respected voices in the field.

Jan Willis: Shantideva – The Way of The Bodhisattva

ONLINE + ONSITE Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, 8002, Switzerland

Join us for a thoughtful weekend with Professor Willis as she delves into Shantideva’s “The Way of the Bodhisattva.” This event welcomes everyone, whether you attend in person at Gablerstrasse or join us on Zoom. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of Buddhist philosophy with one of the most respected voices in the field.

An Introduction to Buddhism in Three Parts, Part II: The Foundations of Mahayana Buddhism

Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, Switzerland

In this session we will be inspired by the text “The Three Fundamental Aspect of the Path”, written by the great Tibetan master Lama Tzongkhapa in the 14th century, and explore the three main qualities that we need to develop on our way to becoming a Buddha: Renunciation (also called The Determination to be Free), the Mind of Enlightenment (or Bodhichitta) and Wisdom.

Mit Ven. Tenzin Michael Auf Pilgerreise in Nepal – Bilder und Geschichten

Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, Switzerland

Am Freitag, den 8. November 2024, lädt Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation zu einem besonderen Abend mit Ven. Tenzin Michael, ein buddhistischer Mönch aus der Schweiz, der von seiner spirituellen Pilgerreise durch Nepal erzählt. Mit eindrucksvollen Bildern und persönlichen Geschichten berichtet er von seiner Rückkehr zu den heiligen Stätten des Himalaya, darunter das berühmte Kopan-Kloster und die Lawudo Gompa, wo Lama Zopa Rinpoche in einem früheren Leben meditierte.

Ven. Tenzin Michael: Zuflucht – Das Eingangstor zum Buddhistischen Weg

ONLINE + ONSITE Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, 8002, Switzerland

Am Samstag, den 9. November 2024, lädt Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation zu einem besonderen Tageskurs mit Ven. Tenzin Michael ein, der das zentrale Thema der buddhistischen Praxis beleuchtet: die Zuflucht. Die Grundlage aller buddhistischen Praxis ist der Gedanke der Zuflucht. Zuflucht zu den Drei Juwelen Buddha, Dharma und Sangha gilt als Eingangstor zum buddhistischen Weg.

An Introduction to Buddhism in Three Parts, Part III: The Gradual Path to Enlightenment

Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, Switzerland

Over the centuries, various Buddhist traditions have developed different views regarding the process by which Enlightenment is attained (which sometimes led to heated debates). The majority of Tibetan traditions holds the view of a “graded path” to Enlightenment, whereby the qualities of an Enlightened Being are developed gradually and in a sequential way. Using the most famous work of Lama Tzongkhapa, the Lam-Rim, as a reference, we will investigate what the steps of this gradual Path are, how to progress from one level to the next and how these teachings of Lama Tzongkhapa are embedded in the historic Tibetan context.