Practices and Prayers for Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Swift Return

Join us on every Thursdays for 7 weeks and engage in prayers and practices for our dear and most kind precious guru, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, as recommended by Khandro-la and His Holiness Dalai Lama. WHEN: Thursdays in April, May and first week in June, TIME: 6:00 – 7.00 pm CET WHERE: Online only LEVEL: Everyone is welcome PRAYERS AND PRACTICES: Find them here Join us via Zoom Meeting ID: 818 3937 7063 Passcode: 609932 A Lhagsam facilitator will be leading the following prayers: Refuge and Heart Sutra Calling the Guru from Afar Lamrim Meditation and Bochichitta Dakini Tara Supplication.pdf (composed by Khandro-la) A Daily Prayer to Maitreya Bodhisattva Dedications PRACTICAL INFORMATION Language: English Find prayers and practices: here Level: Everyone is welcome!

Medicine Buddha Practice

Due to the Thursday evening practices for the next 49 days in honour of our dear and most kind guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the event is cancelled. WHEN:  CANCELLED May 5 & June 2 LEVEL: Intermediate - Advanced (beginners are welcome) REQUEST DEDICATION A Medicine Buddha Practice consists of meditations, visualizations, reciting mantras, and prayers, including taking refuge and generating bodhicitta, the seven limb practice, mandala offering, followed by the request prayers. The session is concluded with dedications. The Seven Medicine Buddhas made special prayers to benefit beings of degenerate ages, hence in the sutric tradition this is considered one of the most powerful practices, which possesses the greatest and quickest blessings. This practice purifies and heals on all levels – physical, mental, spiritual and environmental. In our monthly Medicine Buddha Practice we will make dedications to all the beings who need help and support at the time. If you would like for us to make a special dedication to yourself, friend or family member, please fill out the Request Dedication Form. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: Suggested donation is 0 - 20 CHF. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate upon arrival or online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English Level: Intermediate - Advanced. Previous knowledge in buddhist practices is helpful. Beginners are still welcome. We will happily give you a small introduction!

Practices and Prayers for Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Swift Return

Geshe Tenzin Zopa will be leading the offering prayers, as part of our weekly practice for the Swift return of our dear and most kind guru Lama Zopa Rinpoche. WHEN: Special practice on Thursday May 11, 2023 TIME: 4.15 – 5.15 pm CET (note time) WHERE: Online only LEVEL: Everyone is welcome PRAYERS AND PRACTICES: Find them here Join us via Zoom Meeting ID: 818 3937 7063 Passcode: 609932 A group, consisting of members of the Swiss FPMT centres have raised funds to sponsor a week of offerings in the prayer room at the big stupa at Boudha. Geshe Tenzin Zopa will be leading the offering prayers, as part of our weekly practice for the Swift return of our dear and most kind guru Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has spent hours in the prayer room, making extensive prayers and offerings, so it’s indeed an auspicious place. Due to this, daily offering sessions have been performed at this very spot, since the day that Rinpoche took his last breath and will continue until the 49th day. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Language: English Find prayers and practices: here Level: Everyone is welcome!

Event Series Emptiness


Get an understanding of ultimate reality. Join us on two Thursdays when Venerable Robina Courtin grants us live teachings on Zoom, explaining ultimate wisdom in Tibetan Buddhism. WHEN: Thursdays, May 11 and 18, 7:00 – 8.30 pm CET WHERE: Online only LEVEL: For beginners and intermediate REGISTRATION: Please REGISTER HERE Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 818 3937 7063 Passcode: 609932 Emptiness and dependent arising are two sides of the same coin. Dependent arising is a logical analysis that triggers the conclusion: There’s no “I” from its own side like some entity frozen in time and space, and therefore the “I” is empty of existing from its own side. Emptiness is the conclusion, the ultimate wisdom, you come to, having thought about dependent arising. During these teachings Ven. Robina will help us understand how we easily end up with the either of two extremes of inherent existence or nihilism, and discuss how the mistaken view of a dualistic understanding of subject and object pervades our mind. Phenomena exist is in dependence upon their parts. There is a cup, but you won’t find cup apart from its parts. But we think there is, and our language cheats us. Our language is really tricky. It reinforces selfexistence. (Ven. Robina Courtin) Read more. About the Teacher Ven. Robina Courtin, Australian-born, has a powerhouse personality and has been a Buddhist nun for nearly 40 years. Well known for her work with people in prisons, Ven. Robina’s life and work is the subject of the award-winning documentary ‘Chasing Buddha‘. She teaches full time around the world at the centers of her teachers’ organization, the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). Read more PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: You would make us very happy by supporting us with a donation. Suggested donation is 0 – 40 CHF. No one will be turned...

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CANCELLED THIS MONTH Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga / Mahamudra

CANCELLED JUNE 9, 2023 WHEN: Monthly, alternating between the 2nd and 4th Fridays.  7.00 – 9.00 pm CETWHERE: OnlineLEVEL: Intermediate. Some basic understanding of Mahayana Buddhism is of benefit. Beginners are welcome! LANGUAGE: English. According to Lama Zopa Rinpoche it is good to base your LamRim meditation on a Guru Yoga practice, such as Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga (the Hundred Deities of Tushita - Ganden Lha Gyama). Find the sadhana here: Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga Mahamudra, a Sanskrit word meaning “great seal,” refers to an advanced and sophisticated system of meditation on the nature of the mind, and the realizations gained through it. Having a focus shifting from the content to the experience of the experience, the ultimate goal is to achieve a non-dual awareness by observing emptiness (Sanskrit: Shunyata) like “a mindful fish not even stirring the water while swimming”. Recommended reading: Click here   PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: You would make us very happy by supporting us with a donation. Suggested donation is 0-40 CHF for a session. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English. Level: Intermediate. Some basic understanding of Mahayana Buddhism is of benefit. Beginners are welcome as well!

Practices and Prayers for Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Swift Return

Join us on every Thursdays for 7 weeks and engage in prayers and practices for our dear and most kind precious guru, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, as recommended by Khandro-la and His Holiness Dalai Lama. WHEN: Thursdays in April, May and first week in June, TIME: 6:00 – 7.00 pm CET WHERE: Online only LEVEL: Everyone is welcome PRAYERS AND PRACTICES: Find them here Join us via Zoom Meeting ID: 818 3937 7063 Passcode: 609932 A Lhagsam facilitator will be leading the following prayers: Refuge and Heart Sutra Calling the Guru from Afar Lamrim Meditation and Bochichitta Dakini Tara Supplication.pdf (composed by Khandro-la) A Daily Prayer to Maitreya Bodhisattva Dedications PRACTICAL INFORMATION Language: English Find prayers and practices: here Level: Everyone is welcome!

Event Series Emptiness


Get an understanding of ultimate reality. Join us on two Thursdays when Venerable Robina Courtin grants us live teachings on Zoom, explaining ultimate wisdom in Tibetan Buddhism. WHEN: Thursdays, May 11 and 18, 7:00 – 8.30 pm CET WHERE: Online only LEVEL: For beginners and intermediate REGISTRATION: Please REGISTER HERE Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 818 3937 7063 Passcode: 609932 Emptiness and dependent arising are two sides of the same coin. Dependent arising is a logical analysis that triggers the conclusion: There’s no “I” from its own side like some entity frozen in time and space, and therefore the “I” is empty of existing from its own side. Emptiness is the conclusion, the ultimate wisdom, you come to, having thought about dependent arising. During these teachings Ven. Robina will help us understand how we easily end up with the either of two extremes of inherent existence or nihilism, and discuss how the mistaken view of a dualistic understanding of subject and object pervades our mind. Phenomena exist is in dependence upon their parts. There is a cup, but you won’t find cup apart from its parts. But we think there is, and our language cheats us. Our language is really tricky. It reinforces selfexistence. (Ven. Robina Courtin) Read more. About the Teacher Ven. Robina Courtin, Australian-born, has a powerhouse personality and has been a Buddhist nun for nearly 40 years. Well known for her work with people in prisons, Ven. Robina’s life and work is the subject of the award-winning documentary ‘Chasing Buddha‘. She teaches full time around the world at the centers of her teachers’ organization, the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). Read more PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: You would make us very happy by supporting us with a donation. Suggested donation is 0 – 40 CHF. No one will be turned...

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Avalokiteshvara Guru Yoga Practice (Online)

Due to the Thursday evening practices for the next 49 days in honour of our dear and most kind guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the event is cancelled. WHEN: CANCELLED APRIL 12 & MAY 19 LEVEL: One considers oneself as a Buddhist (has taken refuge). If you considered yourself as a beginner, but interested in such practice, please contact us.  Avalokiteshvara, also known as Chenrezig, embodies the great infinite compassion aspect of all the Buddhas. The great compassion comes from not only wishing all sentient beings be free from suffering but actually put it to action to alleviate sufferings. The seed of compassion will grow if you plant it in fertile soil, a consciousness moistened with love. When you have watered your mind with love, you can begin to meditate upon compassion. Compassion, here, is simply the wish that all sentient beings be free of suffering. ~ An Open Heart, The Dalai Lama In this group practice, we will get together following the sadhana written by His Holiness Dalai Lama called “The Inseparability of the Spiritual Master and Avalokiteshvara”. The practice will be facilitated by a member of Lhagsam. It will be slow and in English so we will have time to meditate on the meanings of words and cultivate an open heart which extends to our external world. We will also include the mediation on the four immeasurables and tonglen. Dedication: In our monthly Avelokiteshvara Guru Yoga Practice we will make dedications to all the beings who need help and support at the time. If you would like for us to make a special dedication to yourself, friend or family member, please fill out the Request Dedication Form. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: Suggested donation is 0 - 20 CHF. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You...

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The 12 Links of Dependent Origination

ONLINE + ONSITE Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, 8002, Switzerland

Explained by Geshe Lharampa Tulku Tenzin Gyurmey Rinpoche. Join us onsite or online when Geshe-la explains the classic Buddhist doctrine that carefully enumerates links of phenomena that constitute the cycle of samsaric existence – and guides us how to cut the root cause. WHEN: Friday, May 19, 2023, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm CET WHERE: Online and Onsite LEVEL: Advanced, but everyone is welcome REGISTRATION: Please REGISTER HERE Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 824 9925 9030 Passcode: 435439 The twelve links of dependent origination are a specific example of the principle of dependent origination. The thrust of the formula is such that when certain conditions are present, they give rise to subsequent conditions, which in turn give rise to other conditions; thus, illustrating the cyclical nature of life in samsara. Within the Tibetan tradition, the twelve links are typically presented within the context of the Wheel of Life: The three inner layers of the wheel show that the three poisons lead to karma, which leads to the suffering of the six realms. The twelve links of the outer rim show how this happens - how the three poisons lead to rebirth in samsara - by presenting the process of cause and effect in detail. By contemplating on the twelve links, one gains greater insight into the workings of karma; this insight enables us to begin to unravel our habitual way of thinking and reacting. Venerable Bhikshus, whoever sees dependent and relative origination, sees the Dharma. Whoever sees the Dharma, sees the Buddha. What is this dependent and relative origination of which I speak? It is this: because this exists, that arises. Because this is born, that is born.  (The primary source for Mahayana teachings on the twelve links is the Rice Seedlings Sutra) Read more. About the Teacher Tengyur Rinpoche is...

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