We cannot wait to welcome our one and only Geshe Sherab in Zurich for his fourth teaching at Lhagsam. On three evenings of November 27th, 28th and 29th geshe-la will guide us through the third chapter of Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life”. The topic is “Adopting the Spirit of Awakening”.
Shantideva’s text “Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life” (Bodhicaryāvatāra) holds a unique place in Mahayana Buddhism. It combines the rare qualities of scholastic precision, spiritual depth and poetical beauty. It was composed in India during the 8th century and has since been an inspiration to millions of people throughout the world. Despite of its profound message, the text astonishes with its simplicity and relevance – one can apply the advice in everyday life immediately.
In his masterwork Shantideva presents practical advice and methods to develop and cultivate the Spirit of Awakening (Bodhicitta) and inspires us to cultivate the perfections of the Bodhisattva: generosity, ethics, patience, zeal, meditative concentration, and wisdom.
In our 3-evening course based on Shantideva’s text, Geshe Sherab will will help us to understand what it means to live with a good heart and altruistic motivation, as from the Mahayana perspective, it is the only way to achieve happiness and ultimately enlightenment.
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Geshe Thubten Sherab was born in a small village in the the western part of Nepal. He entered Kopan Monastery at the age of nine and completed his Geshe studies at the famous Sera Je monastery in South India, followed by a year at Gyumed Tantric College. Read more