Event Series Together on the Path

Together on the Path


Join fellow practitioners on the gradual path to enlightenment and find support and encouragement for your contemplation on the LamRim. WHEN: Tuesdays, October 4 – December 27, 7.00 – 8.00 pm CET WHERE: Online LEVEL: Intermediate. Some basic understanding of Mahayana Buddhism is of benefit. Beginners are welcome! LANGUAGE: English. You can join the event here on zoom: Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84921928952?pwd=UEd1RTltOFlkZHpTWmVtRU1tT0RLUT09 Meeting ID: 849 2192 8952 Password: 871688 The evening is divided between a guided meditation on the LamRim and subsequent discussion groups in breakout rooms. The discussion questions are based on the LamRim, and a curious mind is of great benefit. We promote inclusion and suggest having a basic understanding of the Dharma. Everyone, whether they would consider themselves new to Buddhism or advanced practitioners, are more than welcome. The event ends at 8 pm, but you are cordially invited to stay and join our weekly purification practice on the four opponent powers and Guru Vajrasattva – just stay in the Zoom room. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: You would make us very happy by supporting us with a donation. Suggested donation is 0-40 CHF for a session. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English. Level: Intermediate. Some basic understanding of Mahayana Buddhism is of benefit. Beginners are welcome as well!