Overview on Deity Practice and Tantra


Join us on for live online teachings with Jhampa Shaneman who will give us teachings on deity yoga and tantric practices. WHEN: Thursdays, March 9 and 16, 7:00 – 8.30 pm CET WHERE: Online LANGUAGE: English LEVEL: Intermediate. Some basic understanding of Mahayana Buddhism is of benefit. Beginners are welcome as well! REGISTER: HERE Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85613143062?pwd=VXJNNytmbGxoTVVRbytkNStSZDJiQT09 Meeting ID: 856 1314 3062 Passcode: 977378 The practice of Guru Yoga is based on Vajrayana practices unique to the Tibetan Buddhism. For those who have a sound foundation of Mahayana Buddhism, the practice of Vajrayana is said to be the fastest and most powerful path to Buddhahood. Guru Yoga is a deep and adventurous journey of unraveling the samsaric mind and uncovering one’s own innermost truth - the nature of mind. It is revered as one of the most powerful and direct methods of opening one’s mind to the blessing of the buddhas, the qualities of the enlightened beings and the wisdom mind of our masters. The practice is nurtured by the art of relating to the external, human teacher and his or her teaching with intelligence and a pure and open heart. In this way the teacher serves as the mirror in which we see both our potential and the obstacles we need to overcome. About the Teacher One of the first western Buddhist monks in the Tibetan tradition of Mahayana Buddhism, Jhampa met Ven. Lama Yeshe and became one of his first male sangha members in 1971. From that time, Jhampa studied mainly in Dharmsala, India, learning the Tibetan language. He studied under His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche (His Holiness's senior tutor) and the Ven. Geshe Rabten and Geshe Dhargaye. Over the next 10 years in India, he was introduced to many tenets of Buddhism, interspersing...

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