New course “The Spiritual Teacher” starting next week

Rely on the message of the teacher, not on his personality;
Rely on the meaning, not just on the words;
Rely on the real meaning, not on the provisional one;
Rely on your wisdom mind, not on your ordinary, judgmental mind.

/The Buddha/

There is little progress we would make on any topic – from learning to brush our teeth to learning mathematics or playing a piano – without having a teacher to instruct us, to keep us inspired and on track. Dealing with our mind is no different. On our spiritual journey we must learn a lot and then put the learnings into practice, in order to develop our immense potential for happiness, love and compassion. The advantages of having a teacher to guide us through this complex journey are countless.

At the same time there are many misconceptions about reliance on a guru. In the course, which we are starting next Tuesday, we will be looking at the reasons for wanting to have a spiritual teacher, the qualities to look for in a teacher, the qualities of a student, and how to relate to a teacher to achieve the greatest benefit in one’s spiritual life. We will also consider the challenges we face when thinking of entering into a “guru-disciple” relationship and learn how to overcome these skillfully. The course will last until April.


We meet every Tuesday evening. Each session contains a guided meditation, teaching and discussion. The meditation and teaching are in English and the discussions are in English or German, according to the individual needs.

You can visit all or chosen classes as you find fit.

See Events for more details.

This course is part of the FPMT Discovering Buddhism Program.