Together on the Path


A teaching series on daily dharma practices. This is a series of teachings from May 13 through December 16, 2024, on common daily dharma practices that we may know but have not had the opportunity to learn about firsthand.

Together on the Path


A teaching series on daily dharma practices. This is a series of teachings from May 13 through December 16, 2024, on common daily dharma practices that we may know but have not had the opportunity to learn about firsthand.

Saka Dawa

ONLINE + ONSITE Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, 8002, Switzerland

Komm vorbei und feiere Saka Dawa mit uns! Wir freuen uns, dass wir an diesem speziellen Tag Ven. Tenzin Michael bei Lhagsam begrüssen dürfen.

From Interdependence to Compassion

ONLINE + ONSITE Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, 8002, Switzerland

Join us onsite or online for a Saturday full of teachings and guided meditations with Venerable Tenzin Michael, who will give us valuable instructions on the topic of interdependence and compassion.

Together on the Path


Tonight’s session is a review session on daily dharma practices from May 13 & 20 on Mantras and Blessing the Speech taught by Venerable Tenzin Gendun.

Together on the Path


A teaching series on daily dharma practices. This is a series of teachings from May 13 through December 16, 2024, on common daily dharma practices that we may know but have not had the opportunity to learn about firsthand.