Retreat Day (onsite only)

Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, Switzerland

Our monthly meditation retreat day at Lhagsam WHEN: Saturday July 9th, 10.30 - 16.00 WHERE: Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation LEVEL: All levels, beginners welcome If you would like to join, please send an email to "Meditation gives us breathing space in the mind; it gives us the space to experience. Normally our lives are so cluttered that we don't even have breathing space. But meditation gives us the breathing spaceso that things can arise, so that understanding anc experience can come up. Normally we are so busythat they can't surace, because there is no room...meditation is about coming back to our silent inner spaciuousness" Tenzin Palmo How about giving yourself the gift of withdrawing from this busy world for a day?  Turn off your phone, be in silence, settle your mind and look inwardly instead of following your senses to the external world. We will come together for a day of meditation. For anyone not being able to commit for the whole day, you can join half a day.  It is okay to leave or join during lunch break between 13:00 - 14:00, but please do so quietly, as we will be in silence. Beginners are encouraged to join the morning session at 10:30 AM as there would be more guidance in the morning and we will reduce interactions as we move deeper into the retreat. Schedule - 10:30 - 13:00 Setting Motivation, Shamatha Meditation - 13:00 - 14:00 lunch break - 14:00 - 16:00  Meditation, Dedication PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: Suggested donation is 30-50 CHF for the full day.  No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate upon arrival or online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English Level: No prior knowledge required Registration: We will meet at our location in Zurich. If you...

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Death Café

Museum Rietberg Gablerstrasse 15., 8002, Zürich, Switzerland

We are organising a Death Cafe picnic edition! At a Death Cafe people gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. WHEN: July 9, 4:30 – 7 pm CET WHERE: Museum Rietberg (at Lhagsam in case of rain) LEVEL: Everybody is welcome! REGISTRATION: Registration is required, please REGISTER HERE The objective is 'to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives'. A Death Cafe is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session. This event is organized by Lhagsam members with the simple wish of bringing people together, sharing our thoughts and creating connections. The Death Cafes are always offered: On a not for profit basis In an accessible, respectful and confidential space With no intention of leading people to any conclusion, product or course of action Alongside refreshing drinks and nourishing food – and cake! The Death Cafe model was developed by Jon Underwood and Sue Barsky Reid from the UK. The idea originates with the Swiss sociologist and anthropologist Bernard Crettaz (fr), who organized the first café mortel in 2004. If the weather allows, we will meet in front of the Museum Rietberg and then find a nice spot to sit. There are benches, but please bring a blanket or whatever you need to make yourself comfortable. In case of bad weather, we will meet at Lhagsam. Please register, so we can send you more information some days in advance. PRACTICAL INFORMATION About the Death Café: This is a religiously neutral event, open for everybody to participate and share Level: No prior knowledge required Language: We speak German and English. Registration: REGISTER HERE Cost: Free (donations welcome)

Discovering Buddhism: Transforming Problems

Learn the disadvantages of self-cherishing and the advantages of cherishing others. Learn to employ the special techniques of mind training (lojong) to transform problems into happiness. WHEN: 4 Thursdays, July 7–28, 6:30 - 9.00 pm (CET – Zurich) WHERE: Online LEVEL: Beginner to Advanced REGISTRATION: REGISTER HERE A radical approach to the achievement of bodhichitta is to learn to greet problems with a happy mind. For the brave practitioner, this is the quickest method to eliminatethe obstacles to our development: our delusions. The various practices known in Tibetan as lojong, mind transformation, are studied in this module. Schedule 6:30 pm Meditation 6:50 pm Break 7:00 pm Teaching by Ven. Robina 8:30 pm Discussions 8.50 pm Conclusion & Dedication 9.00 pm End Discovering Buddhism is an FPMT study program aimed at giving Buddhist and non-Buddhist students a solid footing in the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. The program is not meant to be an academic study of Buddhism, it is meant to change our daily lives through experiential training in meditation and thought transformation. About the Teacher Ven. Robina Courtin, Australian-born, has a powerhouse personality and has been a Buddhist nun for nearly 40 years. Well known for her work with people in prisons, Ven. Robina’s life and work is the subject of the award-winning documentary ‘Chasing Buddha‘. She teaches full time around the world at the centers of her teachers’ organization, the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). Read more PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: You would make us very happy by supporting us with a donation. Suggested donation is 0 – 30 CHF. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English. Level: Beginner to Advanced. Registration: REGISTER HERE

Avalokiteshvara Guru Yoga Practice (Online)

Join our monthly Avalokiteshvara Guru Yoga Practice! WHEN:  07.00 - 8.30 pm CEST WHERE: Online LEVEL: One considers oneself as a Buddhist (has taken refuge). If you considered yourself as a beginner, but interested in such practice, please contact us.  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 848 8119 4713 Passcode: 225516 Avalokiteshvara, also known as Chenrezig, embodies the great infinite compassion aspect of all the Buddhas. The great compassion comes from not only wishing all sentient beings be free from suffering but actually put it to action to alleviate sufferings. The seed of compassion will grow if you plant it in fertile soil, a consciousness moistened with love. When you have watered your mind with love, you can begin to meditate upon compassion. Compassion, here, is simply the wish that all sentient beings be free of suffering. An Open Heart, The Dalai Lama In this group practice, we will get together following the sadhana written by His Holiness Dalai Lama called “The Inseparability of the Spiritual Master and Avalokiteshvara”. The practice will be facilitated by a member of Lhagsam. It will be slow and in English so we will have time to meditate on the meanings of words and cultivate an open heart which extends to our external world. We will also include the mediation on the four immeasurables and tonglen. Dedication: In our monthly Avelokiteshvara Guru Yoga Practice we will make dedications to all the beings who need help and support at the time. If you would like for us to make a special dedication to yourself, friend or family member, please fill out the Request Dedication Form. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: Suggested donation is 0 - 20 CHF. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate upon arrival or online (via Paypal, Twint...

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Book Club

Join us reading and discussing! WHEN: Sunday, July 24, 7 - 9 pm CET WHERE: Online LEVEL: The book club is open to anyone who is interested to meet and discuss the books we read Please note that registration is required. Register here Join our relaxed and easy-going book club! You find more information here. About the book in July: Book Title: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Author: Sogyal Rinpoche The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, written by Sogyal Rinpoche in 1992, is a presentation of the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thodol. The author wrote, “I have written the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying as the quintessence of the heart-advice of all my masters, to be a new Tibetan Book of the Dead and a Tibetan Book of Life”. The book explores the messages of impermanence, evolution, karma and rebirth, the nature of the mind, and the spiritual practices for the moment of death. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: free Language: English Level: open for everyone Registration: Register here

Discovering Buddhism: Transforming Problems

Learn the disadvantages of self-cherishing and the advantages of cherishing others. Learn to employ the special techniques of mind training (lojong) to transform problems into happiness. WHEN: 4 Thursdays, July 7–28, 6:30 - 9.00 pm (CET – Zurich) WHERE: Online LEVEL: Beginner to Advanced REGISTRATION: REGISTER HERE A radical approach to the achievement of bodhichitta is to learn to greet problems with a happy mind. For the brave practitioner, this is the quickest method to eliminatethe obstacles to our development: our delusions. The various practices known in Tibetan as lojong, mind transformation, are studied in this module. Schedule 6:30 pm Meditation 6:50 pm Break 7:00 pm Teaching by Ven. Robina 8:30 pm Discussions 8.50 pm Conclusion & Dedication 9.00 pm End Discovering Buddhism is an FPMT study program aimed at giving Buddhist and non-Buddhist students a solid footing in the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. The program is not meant to be an academic study of Buddhism, it is meant to change our daily lives through experiential training in meditation and thought transformation. About the Teacher Ven. Robina Courtin, Australian-born, has a powerhouse personality and has been a Buddhist nun for nearly 40 years. Well known for her work with people in prisons, Ven. Robina’s life and work is the subject of the award-winning documentary ‘Chasing Buddha‘. She teaches full time around the world at the centers of her teachers’ organization, the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). Read more PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: You would make us very happy by supporting us with a donation. Suggested donation is 0 – 30 CHF. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English. Level: Beginner to Advanced. Registration: REGISTER HERE

Retreat Day (onsite only)

Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, Switzerland

Our monthly meditation retreat day at Lhagsam WHEN: Saturday August 13th, 10.30 - 16.00 WHERE: Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation LEVEL: All levels, beginners welcome If you would like to join, please send an email to "Meditation gives us breathing space in the mind; it gives us the space to experience. Normally our lives are so cluttered that we don't even have breathing space. But meditation gives us the breathing spaceso that things can arise, so that understanding anc experience can come up. Normally we are so busythat they can't surace, because there is no room...meditation is about coming back to our silent inner spaciuousness" Tenzin Palmo How about giving yourself the gift of withdrawing from this busy world for a day?  Turn off your phone, be in silence, settle your mind and look inwardly instead of following your senses to the external world. We will come together for a day of meditation. For anyone not being able to commit for the whole day, you can join half a day.  It is okay to leave or join during lunch break between 13:00 - 14:00, but please do so quietly, as we will be in silence. Beginners are encouraged to join the morning session at 10:30 AM as there would be more guidance in the morning and we will reduce interactions as we move deeper into the retreat. Schedule - 10:30 - 13:00 Setting Motivation, Shamatha Meditation - 13:00 - 14:00 lunch break - 14:00 - 16:00  Meditation, Dedication PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: Suggested donation is 30-50 CHF for the full day.  No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate upon arrival or online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English Level: No prior knowledge required Registration: We will meet at our location in Zurich. If you...

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Discovering Buddhism: Intensive Practice Day

Today we meditate on the disadvantages of self-cherishing and the advantages of cherishing others. We practice the special techniques of mind training (lojong) to transform problems into happiness. WHEN: Sunday, August 14, 10:00 am - 04.00 pm (CET – Zurich) WHERE: Online LEVEL: Beginner to Advanced REGISTRATION: REGISTER HERE Each FPMT Discovering Buddhism course ends with an intensive practice day, which is designed to review the material one more time and to practice the meditations in a retreat setting. It can also be a great way to get a summary of the course, if you did not have the chance to attend regularly. Everyone is welcome. Schedule 10.00 am – 12.00 pm  Meditation 1 & 2 12.00 pm – 02.00 pm  Lunch break – Bring a vegetarian dish to share! 02.00 pm – 04.00 pm  Meditation 3 & 4   Discovering Buddhism is an FPMT study program aimed at giving Buddhist and non-Buddhist students a solid footing in the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. The program is not meant to be an academic study of Buddhism, it is meant to change our daily lives through experiential training in meditation and thought transformation.   PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: You would make us very happy by supporting us with a donation. Suggested donation is 0 – 50 CHF. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English. Level: Beginner to Advanced. Registration: REGISTER HERE

Avalokiteshvara Guru Yoga Practice (Online)

Join our monthly Avalokiteshvara Guru Yoga Practice! WHEN:  07.00 - 8.30 pm CET WHERE: Online LEVEL: One considers oneself as a Buddhist (has taken refuge). If you considered yourself as a beginner, but interested in such practice, please contact us.  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 848 8119 4713 Passcode: 225516 Avalokiteshvara, also known as Chenrezig, embodies the great infinite compassion aspect of all the Buddhas. The great compassion comes from not only wishing all sentient beings be free from suffering but actually put it to action to alleviate sufferings. The seed of compassion will grow if you plant it in fertile soil, a consciousness moistened with love. When you have watered your mind with love, you can begin to meditate upon compassion. Compassion, here, is simply the wish that all sentient beings be free of suffering. An Open Heart, The Dalai Lama In this group practice, we will get together following the sadhana written by His Holiness Dalai Lama called “The Inseparability of the Spiritual Master and Avalokiteshvara”. The practice will be facilitated by a member of Lhagsam. It will be slow and in English so we will have time to meditate on the meanings of words and cultivate an open heart which extends to our external world. We will also include the mediation on the four immeasurables and tonglen. Dedication: In our monthly Avelokiteshvara Guru Yoga Practice we will make dedications to all the beings who need help and support at the time. If you would like for us to make a special dedication to yourself, friend or family member, please fill out the Request Dedication Form. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: Suggested donation is 0 - 20 CHF. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate upon arrival or online (via Paypal, Twint...

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Secular Mindfulness: An Experiential Intro

Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Gablerstrasse 51, Zurich, Switzerland

Get to know some fundamental principles of secular mindfulness meditation when our center is visited onsite by Lea Boesch and Manuel Oswald, who are both MMTCP students of acclaimed meditation teachers Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. WHEN: Saturday August 21, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm CET WHERE: Onsite and online LEVEL: Open for everyone.  This introduction is suitable for anyone interested in a secular approach to meditation and mindfulness. Join the Zoom meeting here. Meeting ID: 828 7455 7044 Passcode: 081188 Learn how to cultivate an embodied and compassionate presence and a relaxed attention in your meditation practice. The guided meditations will be accompanied by informative explanations and time for questions, including for those attending with Zoom. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: Suggested donation is 0 - 20 CHF. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English Level: Open for everyone. This is meant as a basic introduction.

Discovering Buddhism: Intensive Practice Day

The realization of emptiness is crucial for the attainment of liberation and enlightenment. Today we apply different methods of meditation to develop the wisdom of emptiness. WHEN: Sunday, August 28, 10:00 am - 04.00 pm (CET – Zurich) WHERE: Online LEVEL: Beginner to Advanced REGISTRATION: REGISTER HERE Each FPMT Discovering Buddhism course ends with an intensive practice day, which is designed to review the material one more time and to practice the meditations in a retreat setting. It can also be a great way to get a summary of the course, if you did not have the chance to attend regularly. Everyone is welcome. Schedule 10.00 am – 12.00 pm  Meditation 1 & 2 12.00 pm – 02.00 pm  Lunch break – Bring a vegetarian dish to share! 02.00 pm – 04.00 pm  Meditation 3 & 4   Discovering Buddhism is an FPMT study program aimed at giving Buddhist and non-Buddhist students a solid footing in the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. The program is not meant to be an academic study of Buddhism, it is meant to change our daily lives through experiential training in meditation and thought transformation.   PRACTICAL INFORMATION Cost: You would make us very happy by supporting us with a donation. Suggested donation is 0 – 50 CHF. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. You can donate online (via Paypal, Twint or E-Banking). Language: English. Level: Beginner to Advanced. Registration: REGISTER HERE