Visiting Teachers

Ven. Losang Palmo (Rita Riniker)

Ven. Losang Palmo grew up in Switzerland. She took ordination as a Buddhist nun in 1991 with her main teacher, Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche. She lived for about 15 years in India at Tushita Meditation Centre, Dharamsala, becoming one of the centre’s primary teachers.

Affectionately called Ani Losang, she is currently supporting the three Swiss FPMT centers. She travels extensively, sharing her profound and vast knowledge in the form of inspiring teachings, always passed on in a practical way and with a large dose of humor. Through her experience and understandable teaching style she helps the students to find the connection between Buddha’s teachings and our everyday experiences in a Western society. Ani Losang is also famous for guiding amazing retreats, including the Vajrasattva, Green Tara, Lam Rim and Nyung Naes retreats.